Status monitoring of the system elements

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Sigur offers an easy-to-use tool to monitor the health of your system components and can automatically send notifications about any arising urgent issues.

How it is implemented

The users can create their own monitoring screen for the site as well as to monitor the system health with the required set and layout of elements on the screen of their workstation. This is a useful tool for monitoring your system’s integrity and performance, quickly responding to any changes.

How it works

To monitor the health of the system components and equipment, Sigur collects data from all connected devices in real time, including:
  • Connection status of the checkpoints
  • Checkpoint operating mode
  • Fire alarm status

Additionally, when connecting your doors and locks to Sigur controller, you can also connect sensors and detectors that will collect additional information about the current state of the equipment, e.g. a magnetic contact for doors (which will let you know about any break-in or door propping) or Hall effect sensor (detects any troubles with locks).

The collected data are delivered as PACS notifications (and will be kept for the records) as well as visually shown on the floor plan as a respective icon or color code.

Sigur can also collect information about the state of the wiring of security and fire alarm systems, lock systems and biometric scanners, which means that you can monitor all of your systems from a single interface.

Monitoring interface

Sigur allows the user to create a customizable monitoring screen and add to it any combination of elements such as a list of checkpoints, a list of events, a floor plan, video streaming from the connected cameras, cardholders’ locations, security matrix, action buttons, the number of cardholders or vehicles in a zone or sector, etc. When customizing the screen, you will be able to choose the size and location of the elements on the screen and other parameters.

Equipment status visualization

To monitor the state and health of the system elements, their status can be visually displayed on the floor plan or in a multi-level list.

On the floor plan

The floor plan in Sigur can display a number of system components such as PACS doors and checkpoints, connected IP cameras and, if integrated, alarm zones of the security and fire alarm system and cameras of the video surveillance system. All elements displayed are linked to the respective system components (doors, turnstiles, boom barriers, zones and sectors, cameras, security alarm wiring and connections or groups of them). The status is shown as respective icons or as a color code.

Multi-level list

All checkpoints existing in the system are shown as a list with the name, connection state and status. A multi-level list is a visual representation of different operating parameters of the controllers:

  • Availability and stability of communication with controllers
  • Checkpoint operating mode
  • Current state (voltage, power source, such as grid or battery, opened case, etc.)

Monitoring the state of system components

Controller status monitoring

If every controller responds to requests from the server, the connection status will be 100%. If the value is less than 100%, you should ensure that the communication lines are laid properly, all PACS controllers are connected to the system and the network is configured properly (firewall, etc.). The current controller status includes:

  • The checkpoint type selected by a DIP switch on the PACS controller circuit: door, turnstile, gate / boom barrier, registration terminal
  • The status of the fire alarm wiring connected to the controller: normal, fire, unknown
  • The status of the case open detector of the controller: closed, open, unknown
  • The count of events saved by the controller in the autonomous memory when the server was not available. In the normal operating condition it should be “0” since if the server is running properly and the connection line is not broken, all events are instantly sent to the server and are not stored in the controller memory.When the connection has been restored after a long disconnection period, you will see the server collecting all data saved by the controller and as a result the value in this field will be decreasing until it reaches zero
  • The current supply voltage of the controller and the measurement accuracy as well as the power source such as grid or battery (the power source will be accurately identified only provided there is a DCD signal between the controller and the uninterrupted power supply system). If the values change beyond the certain range, the event will be recorded in the event log and an alert will be sent

Monitoring of the checkpoint operating mode

Checkpoints can operate in several modes: normal (standard operating mode when access is granted or denied by a PACS controller), locked (the lock of the checkpoint is locked) and unlocked (the lock of the checkpoint is unlocked). The mode is shown as a small icon next to the name of the door / checkpoint in the equipment list. The list can also show other states of a checkpoint such as if the controller has not been configured or there is no connection to a checkpoint

Monitoring of the status of alarm zones in a security and fire alarm system

Alarm zones in the security and fire alarm system on Security, Monitoring and Floor plans tabs are color-coded according to their status:

  • Green if the alarm has been activated successfully
  • Orange if the alarm has not been activat
  • Red in case of an alarm even
  • Gray if the alarm has been deactivated regardless of the previous state of the zone / sector
  • White if the system is unable to obtain the zone status (e.g., due to Ethernet connection failure such as disconnection from the server or converter)/

Monitoring of wireless locks

When Simons Voss wireless locks are used, the user will be able to see the status of connection with hubs and receive notifications when the connection is lost or restored, which can be important for assessment of the system performance.

Auto response / notification if the equipment state changes

You can use automated system responses to events that require immediate intervention, such as sending notifications to specified employees. You can create an auto response to any possible events arising in Sigur or any integrated system.

Sigur can send notifications in a number of ways: email, Telegram, Viber and SMS. The text of the notification can be generated automatically using system variables.
If any higher-level systems are integrated, such as PSIM or situation management solutions, Sigur can automatically transfer the information about the connected equipment to and receive commands from these systems.

Reporting to upper-level or network monitoring systems

PSIM systems are often used to ensure the security of a complex object. Such systems centrally manage various components, for example, CCTV, fire alarm system, PACS and others. They collect information from all components and react in a given way to various situations.

Besides Sigur can be configured to receive control commands from other systems. Depending on the task, this may allow you to configure ACS controllers, manage access points or time zones, as well as access system events - both archived and in real time.

SNMP-protocol support

Sigur controllers* support the standard SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol), which is used to transfer the status of PACS elements to network monitoring systems.


Only Sigur E510, E2, E4 controllers are supported.

As a result, it becomes possible to get the data about the communication status, the current voltage of the controller, the operation of relays, discrete inputs, readers and other elements of the system - without the direct use of the Sigur software interface.
This allows to respond to events, detect and fix possible problems. The full list of metrics and parameters for monitoring can be found in a special mib-file by opening it with any text editor.

Also we have created a Sigur template for Zabbix, one of the popular network monitoring solutions, that includes the main parameters that will be of interest for monitoring.
The template includes:

  • Current CPU temperature;
  • Current supply voltage;
  • Switching to supply from the battery;
  • Fire alarm status;
  • Case opening sensor status;
  • Date and time of the internal clock;
  • Serial number.

License limitations

Sigur is licensed according to the number of entities in the system and the number of equipment connected (except for controllers) such as wireless locks, key management systems, etc.

If the license terms and conditions are breached, including if you exceed the number of connected locks, you will see a respective warning. You can see a detailed report about any identified violations by clicking on the warning.