Guest passes

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In Sigur interface, you can handle guests and visitors of your company without any third-party software. It allows you to fully automate the entire guest badge handling cycle.

Some aspects of visitor management

Ideally, all visits should be handled with minimum involvement of the operator: registration of a visitor, issuance of a badge for specific areas or zones, collection of the badge at the end of the visit.

Badges can be issued manually or in an automated mode. Visitor registration, including recording the visitor’s credentials such as passport and other details, can be done in advance or upon the visitor’s arrival. How automated will the process be depends on the intensity of visits but in any case it should be comfortable for visitors and efficient for the hosting company.

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Registration of visitors and issuance of badges

To issue a badge, you will need to register a visitor in the system by entering their personal data, photo and other information. Along with the manual data input, Sigur offers the following options:

  • Automated data input functionality enabled by document recognition based on the pre-existing image or the image obtained from a scanner. You can use regular household scanners or specialized passport scanners
  • Creation of any custom fields in the visitor’s file, including vehicle number plates for automated vehicle access (with the recognized number plate used as an identifier)
  • Use of web cameras to take pictures of visitors or obtaining frames from IP cameras when a visitor walks through a checkpoint
  • Black list
  • Saving the badge issuance history and visitors’ personal data in the system for quick registration in the future

Collection of badges

To be able to issue a badge to the next visitor, it should be collected first. Sigur offers manual badge collection by a security officer or automated badge collection when a visitor walks through a checkpoint, e.g. turnstile equipped with a card collector.

When a card is put in a card collector, the checkpoint will be unlocked for exit and the card itself will be collected. You can set the rule to collect only expired badges and return unexpired badges (both temporary and permanent).

Sigur supports most of the popular card collector models and provides ready-to-use connection diagrams.
Single-use cheap badges are generally not collected. These badges will be blocked so that no one can use them again.

Sigur provides a variety of badge blocking options:

  • When passing through certain checkpoints
  • When expired

Types of guest badges

Guest badges can differ by periods during which the visitor is allowed to stay in the territory of the site.


Single-use badges are issued for single-time entry and exit and are used for non-recurring visits. For these purposes, a cheap medium can be used such as a barcode printed on a piece of paper.


Temporary badges are issued for a certain period of time, within which the visitor can visit the company, e.g. for several days or weeks needed to complete the work. These badges save time since you will not need to reissue them every day. These badges have to be collected upon the expiration, e.g. when exiting the site through a card collector.


A variety of identifiers can be used as guest badges in Sigur:

  • Contactless cards are the most commonly used identifiers, many of them are protected against forgery, they must be collected at the exit
  • Biometrics such as fingerprints, palm vein patterns, etc. It is not always convenient to enter these identifiers in the system and they can cause discomfort to the visitors. However, these identifiers cannot be passed on to another person
  • Barcodes, PIN codes are the most inexpensive types of identifiers, can be printed on a piece of paper or displayed on a smartphone screen. They can be sent to the visitor in advance by electronic communication channels. They are not protected from passing on to another person and do not require collection at the exit
  • Vehicle number plates can be used if the vehicle number plate recognition functionality is supported in the integrated video surveillance system and ensure automated vehicle access to the territory and do not required collection at the exit

Approval of applications

The application process is often used in visitor management to plan visits and extra check the visitor’s credentials, e.g. by the security service.

In Sigur, you can:

  • Create a visitor application, enter visitor’s data and attach all relevant documents
  • Add any fields that are not provided in the standard application form
  • Set time limits for the application within which a badge can be issued based on this application. This feature is effective if exact dates of the visit are not defined
  • Send an application for approval to a designated person
  • Create approval lists, i.e. lists of people who should approve an application
  • Automatically notify an employee in a popup window if application approval is required (Sigur software must be installed)
  • Automatically notify the requestor by email about the status of their application
  • Make the badge issuance process as strict and thorough as possible by not issuing badges to visitors without their application approval
  • Create additional custom parameters for every person and vehicle specified in the application for a guest badge

Reporting and analytics

You can analyze all visits to your site in Sigur using the visit log referenced by name or badge number. These reports include such information as the date and time of the visit and access directions through the checkpoints as well as visitor’s data. You can view the list of blacklisted visitors and the persons who made these entries in a respective report.

Integration with Visitor Control system

If VisitorControl system is deployed at your site, we designed the integration that allows you to configure efficient interaction between the two systems. In particular, as part of this integration, you can use a visitor self-registration terminal VisitorControl for automated badge issuance.