Solution for transport facilities

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Secured identification methods
Secured identification methods
Use any identification method and combine them: from RFID cards with anti-cloning protection based on Mifare technology to high-precision biometrics: by the iris or the pattern of the veins of the palm
Multipurpose security system
Multipurpose security system
Completely autonomous operation of controllers, health monitoring of system elements, integration with dozens of video surveillance systems, fire alarm systems, setting up automatic responses to any events
Passenger screening
Passenger screening
To increase the security of the facility, you can increase the severity of access for employees or visitors by equipping the access points with temperature measuring devices, metal detectors or X-ray frames
Zone control & routes
Zone control & routes
Thanks to the data about the location of visitors or employees, you can automatically block or unblock certain access points for building routes of movement around the facility
Integration with ERP
Integration with ERP
Open integration interfaces help Sigur to easily become part of the company's infrastructure, not only transferring data about passages for various analytics, but completely delegating access decisions to the upper-level system

Identification & access control

Transport infrastructure facilities, as a rule, are characterized by special rigor in terms of access control to the territory. Sigur supports a variety of identification methods for this, which you can use depending on your goals and the type of access point. The possibility of combining these methods makes identification multifactorial, significantly increasing the level of security of the facility.

So, for example, at the entrance access points, you can identify employees only by a card or smartphone, and for specially guarded internal premises, allow access by verifying personnel using biometrics - a face recognition system or by the iris of the eye.

Secured identification based on Mifare technology

Sigur supports secured mode with all types of Mifare family cards. Such identifiers have copy protection and provide a high level of security.

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You can also flexibly configure access rules, delimiting the possibility of passage not only by time and points of passage, but also using complex rules, for example, passage only accompanied by a certain employee or the need for additional inspection by passing through an airlock.

Vehicle identification

Sigur supports various methods of vehicle identification: from proximity cards or active tags to plate recognition or identification via a GSM channel.
For the convenience of vehicle navigation around the territory, you can use traffic lights or information LED-boards: their use in the system does not require additional licensing or special devices - the controller managing the point of passage can easily cope with this task.

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Equipment for the passenger security area

One of the tools to improve the security of a transport infrastructure facility is to use additional devices for screening passengers. Such solutions include metal detectors, body temperature measuring devices (thermal cameras or terminals), as well as tapes with X-ray scanners for checking the contents of baggage.

Most of these devices can be connected to Sigur - according this approach, you can configure the system so that in the event of an emergency or some kind of danger, the perimeter of the inspection zone can be blocked by access points until the situation is resolved by the security personnel.

Routes & evacuation

According to the specified schedule or when an event occurs in the system, you can automatically change the operating mode of the selected access points so that a certain route is created. For example, this can be convenient when disembarking passengers who are finishing their flight: they can only get from the plane to the station hall or the place of baggage claim along a pre-planned route.

With the proper organization of the access system, information about the location of each of the employees or even groups of passengers is always known. In the event of emergencies in Sigur, you can generate an evacuation report, including this data - they can be most useful for specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the operational search for people who did not check in at the collection point.

Unlocking access points in the case of emergency

In emergencies, Sigur guarantees instant unlocking of all access points to ensure unimpeded personnel evacuation. The alarm signal can be transmitted to the ACS from the emergency button, fire alarm system or by the operator's command from the computer.
Sigur controllers have a special hardware input for connecting a fire alarm system line.

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Efficient part of company infrastructure

Sigur has ready-made tools for interacting with various systems - this allows us to consider ACS as a full-fledged element of the facility infrastructure.

You can set up the synchronization of employees data for any database, excluding double maintenance of the personnel base on the ACS or transfer information about passes to third-party systems for subsequent analytics. For this, the system already has ready-made tools for interacting with the Active Directory service, LDAP servers or any database with which the system server communicates using the standard ODBC protocol.

Multipurpose security system

Sigur has ready-made integrations with dozens of popular video surveillance systems, IP cameras and security alarm systems. This makes it possible to combine all the elements of security systems in a single program interface of the ACS for more convenient monitoring of the situation and prompt response to the occurrence of events requiring intervention.

In addition, you can set up various automatic reactions of one of the systems to events in the other, for example, turning the camera when passing or blocking access points when a security sensor is triggered.