Identification using proximity cards

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Sigur supports identification using all formats of contactless cards. In fact, you can combine card identification with any other methods such as biometric identification, barcodes or PIN code.

Advantages of using cards

Cards are the most ubiquitous identifiers used in physical access control systems. They are convenient, made in a variety of forms and types (key fobs, tags, wristbands, etc.) and with cryptographic algorithms implemented on some of the cards have quite low risk of cloning and fraud or make cloning technically impossible at all.

Types of cards

Sigur supports most of the cards presented on the market: EM Marine, HID ProxCard II, HID ISO Prox, HID iClass, Mifare Classic, Mifare ID, Mifare Ultralight, Mifare Plus (including secure identification and bank cards), Legic or Indala.

Designs of identifiers

In addition to cards, Sigur supports any designs of identifiers, from key fobs and wristbands to RFID stickers, etc., which is useful in school or fitness club projects.

Compatibility with readers

Sigur controllers are compatible with any readers via the standard Wiegand output interface (with various packet length, including 26, 34, 58, etc.) or iButton (Dallas Touch Memory), which makes it possible to use the majority of proximity readers present on the market.

Mifаre identifiers

Sigur can process all types of Mifare cards in a secure mode. These identifiers are protected from cloning and ensure high level of security.

Capabilities of Sigur software allow the user to initialize the memory of Mifare Classic, DESFire and Plus cards as well as bank cards used in Mifare emulation mode. For convenience of card registration in the system, desktop USB readers can be used, such as ACR1252.

Multifactor identification

Based on contactless cards, Sigur supports a number of access modes and their combinations such as:

  • Card + PIN code
  • Card + biometric identifier
  • Recognized number plate of a vehicle + card, etc.